Sobre Kundalini Yoga & Horários da prática

A complete and powerful practice that combines breathing, posture and mindfulness.

The sequences of postures are practiced as they were taught by Yogui Bhajan (during the 60's to the 90's).
These sequences improve the body (immune & nervous systems, circulation, flexibility), calm the mind, connect us with our inner peace and our inner power. It is a transformational experience! 

Cristina qualified as a yoga teacher with the Karam Kriya School in London and has been teaching Yoga since 2005, first in London and now in Lisbon. She is also a qualified Zen Shiatsy practitioner and a perinatal educator.

Centro de Yoga Gayatri, Rua Anchieta 5-4ºDto, Lisboa-Chiado

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Sat Nam

+Sobre o Kundalini Yoga


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